Contact Us
You can email us at info@parkiop.org or call us at 843-885-6505 if you have any questions or issues.
If you are calling about a parking infraction, you can call our office number of 843-885-6505 during our hours of 9am-3pm on Mon-Thurs. If you are calling about an infraction outside of those hours, you can call the non-emergency line at 843-886-6522 and you will be assisted.
News and Information
City Partners with PCI Municipal Services to Manage Parking
The City of Isle of Palms has partnered with PCI Municipal Services to manage the city’s parking plan. Traditionally, the management of the city’s parking plan was handled by the police department. Beginning March 1, 2024, this partnership with PCI will allow the police department’s employees and officers to focus more attention on priority calls for service and higher visibility on the beaches and reduce response time for calls for service.
All parking permits can be applied for online here. For questions about this change, please contact our office number at 843-885-6505 or email us at info@parkiop.org or you can find more information on our parking permit page.
Throughout the year, the city will transition to a license plate system. The system is expected to be fully implemented by 2025.
Residents are reminded to apply for a 2025 parking permit online. For more information about parking and permits for residents and visitors, visit here.
You can find the press release here.